i stole the title from some awesome haiti lovers.... "TIH" means "this is Haiti". you can actually use it for any location when you are put in a situation that is akward and would only happen in the place that you are.... the past day has been full of "TIH"appropriate stories :)
after i updated the blog last night Anne Marie invited us to a soccer match... i had no idea what we were in store for. but it seriously could not have been better! we walked to this little bitty soccer field in the dark with AM, hospital patients, and some of Fre Jal's kids. the generator was used to light up the tiny area with very loud creole music playing... of course... they had too many things plugged into teh generator so it went out frequently (TIH). we arrived around 7 30 and the match was supposed to start @ 7 pm. it did not start until 8 45 (TIH). we sat around the outside of the soccer field as the 3 on 3 teams competed with tons of fans cheering them on... there was a DJ that did the commentary the entire time who thought much of himself and made it very clear to the entire audience... which was pretty funny. at half time they had different people rap and dance.... oh words will do it no justice. a video will show itself sooner than later! seriously... TIH moment worthy. probably the most TIH thing i have seen yet. btw.... marrah has a boy named "DoDo"that likes her... but no worries... the children made it very clear to us that it was not a good idea :) --- we left the match around 10 pm with it still going on .... we could hear them going on and on throughout the night until around 12 am. TIH.
this morning Mary Kate went to the clinic to spend the day with AM. we brought the supplies that we carried over (nerve block kits, comfort care kits, masks, IV's, condoms, OTC meds)... we were a sight for sore eyes im sure lugging it all the way through the village :) anyways... she said she had a great time and was really glad that she decided to go.... AM even handed out some condoms :) mission accomplished! as always it would be better to hear from her directly but she wanted me to share some of the things that she learned today.... one of the main things she kept saying was that she realized how wasteful we are at home with the medical supplies and how much we take for granted. her mind was constantly wondering how this could be recreated somewhere else and how it all works.... i love it! what a blessing the clinic and hospital are to the people of Passe Catabois and the surrounding areas.
Kasey and Marrah did not end up doing Camp Hope stuff today... they didn't really feel like that was where they wanted to spend their time... so we went to the hospital and did puzzles and blew bubbles with some children and patients. puzzles were a GREAT idea for them... at first kasey said they had no interest in sitting down but after a while they were really intrigued and say down and did them all! so fun to engage with them! we walked through the market and got a good taste of what haiti has to offer... a wild experience i tell you. rosmanette was by our side the whole time... she has been this whole trip. she is my faithful friend here. i love her so much.
this afternoon has been pretty chill... ptl. i have spent time with kids and held a TB infected & malnourished baby girl for over an hour. Her name is Shellmeez. she is 12 months old but looks like she is 2 months old. the TB and malnourishment has robbed her of joy, the ability to thrive, and just of life in general. she has the weakest cry ive ever heard. sickness and hunger again became a harsh reality. mary kate told me that the way she sees God's grace in the situation is that He sent Annaleise and Dustin to care for her during this time. she is so right. praying for this little girl's healing... and leaving how the Lord heals her in His hands. on a more serious TIH note... SHE IS HAITI.

Mary Kate is doing english with Mariejinette again tonight... but this time at the guest house. they had a good night last night but she said she wanted to spend some more one on one time with her with not as many people around. many of you know what Fre Jal's house and family are like... they just want to be involved too :) hehe, gotta love them! mariejinette LOVES LOVES LOVES mary kate! she told me today she is her sister :)
Mary Kate is doing english with Mariejinette again tonight... but this time at the guest house. they had a good night last night but she said she wanted to spend some more one on one time with her with not as many people around. many of you know what Fre Jal's house and family are like... they just want to be involved too :) hehe, gotta love them! mariejinette LOVES LOVES LOVES mary kate! she told me today she is her sister :)
Marrah and Kasey will spend the day at the clinic and Mary Kate and I will frolic about town. looking forward to it... but not looking forward to goodbyes. Fedna's dad wants to chat with me... Not sure what that is all about. Say a prayer for that conversation. Christnet had to leave unexpectedly today... he sent a note via Louvnet. Such a sweet boy... he told me to not be sad and that he would see me in December :)
Wednesday we will be heading to see my sweet Sandra. praying for her and for how my heart will react. He has opened too many doors for this to not be part of the plan. just praying to embrace the day with her and leave it at that. needing a touch from His spirit in this area.
I really tried to put some pictures up... this is the only one i could get. :( but i promise there will be more pictures of your sweet friends and family! they are all smiles and doing great. just please continue to pray for them.
hopefully we will get to update you again tomorrow before we head to Port de Paix.
Jessica, Mary Kate, Kasey, & Marrah
:) great update friend! loving the TIH moments! and of course DoDo would have a crush on Marrah! ha! who doesn't love Marrah! :) miss her! ...puzzles, bubbles, hospital time sounds wonderful! and sweet sweet pic of little Shellmeez. thankful for the love you were able to give her for that hour. my heart can't help but break for her as she struggles to hang on. praying for your conversation with Fedna's father and continuing to pray for your heart as you prepare to reunite with beautiful Sandra! :) sending my love! :)
Marrah's Pap just asked if we had any more news from you guys;) thank you for the updates. It is so touching how you identify with everyone there. Your burden for the people you are ministering to is evident. Looking forward to seeing the video and hearing about more TIH moments.
I think I'm having a TIJ moment - "This Is Jesus!" I'm sitting on a tractor on a farm in rural Louisiana, reading about/Praying for/crying over sweet friends in Haiti! Only Jesus can create that kind of community! Love to all!
I'm so impressed with all the blog updates. This is by far the most recorded trip! lol. I am so glad to hear about all your time there in Haiti! :)
What sweet time you are being able to spend with Shellmeez... I know that's so special. Praying for healing, be it the Lord's will. Praying for healing of body, and one day soul, for that sweet baby girl. LOVE the pic. :) Wish I was there to hold her, too! (makes me miss Dioselmet, of course!)
YAY for English lessons. Also, how special Rosemanette is. I pray that the Lord would use her sweet spirit in her future. Please hug her for me.
So glad to hear the puzzles were a hit. What a blessed time it is to spend time with the people at the hospital, loving on the afflicted. I pray that the Lord would continue to use you guys, as you pour out love, that He would pour out His spirit upon the people of PC.
Love you. Can't wait for another update, se mwe.
te quiero mucho!
wowie.this made me smile,laugh,cry,and praise/worship Our amazing God all at the same time!!! I cracked up pictured the Dj with an ego reporting the soccer game,haha.And enjoy all the TIH moments shared =)
So Glad to hear how God is working in and through ya'll and those who live and serve in Haiti that you have built such close relationships with.It's truely a beautiful thing.Praying for your heart.My heart is crushed to hear of Shellmeez.Never thought I could cry so much for a a little girl I've never met!I'll surely be lifting up this sweet little one in prayer for sure!oh Marrah...haha.this update rocked my face off in many ways and has stirred up my heart
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