Monday, December 28, 2009

3 times in 1 year = God has rocked my face off!!

I am so sorry that I have not been faithful to blog about my past adventures to Haiti... I wish I had enough time in the day to put it on the web... BUT I am going back to Haiti tomorrow with a new group! My goal is to update the blog as I am there. No promises, but I am going to try my hardest!

Our itinerary goes like this... can you have an itinerary in Haiti??!!! Ha:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 --> Fly to Fort Lauderdale
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 --> We land in Haiti and will head to Passe Catabois
Thursday, December 31, 2009-Tuesday, January 5, 2010 --> Our agenda is to LOVE people.. BEAUTIFUL
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 --> We travel to Port-de-Paix very early in the morning and fly back into Port-au-Prince at 6 30 am! We will spend the remainder of that day with Beth & Jon McHoul from Heartline Ministries to learn about what they are doing to bring God's Kingdom in Haiti
Thursday, January 7, 2010 --> Becca, Norman, Parker, and Brandon head back to the States. Their flight arrives in Monroe at 9:21 pm. Annie, Ainsley, and I will be staying a day longer to hang out at Heartline.
Friday, January 8, 2010 --> Annie, Ainsley, and I head back to the States and our flight arrives in Monroe at 9:21 pm

How you can PRAY:
~ travel (flights making it on time and bags to make it with us all the way to Passe Catabois)
~ guidance and wisdom(for me as I lead this group of my friends)
~ the hearts of the people... that they may see the love that we have for them is only from the love that CHRIST has poured out upon us *1 john 4:19*
~our team (that we would be refreshed each morning as we rise to serve and be with the people)
~language barrier (please pray that we would have a supernatural ability to speak and understand Creole)

Please stay tuned for updates! I am looking forward to being used by God to bring His Kingdom in Haiti in the smallest of ways. " the quiet daily powers of dying to self and serving, and loving and laughing, of simple tenderness, and unseen kindness BECAUSE IF ANYTHING MATTERS, THEN ANYTHING MATTERS."