On Monday morning, July 27, 2009... myself along with 6 others will be traveling to Haiti :) I have not updated since I traveled to Haiti in January to carry over the funds raised from the "A Voice for Haiti" campaign... as you may see, it changed my life. Seeing Haiti's physical and spiritual poverty has disturbed and transformed me. I'm not sure there are words to describe what the Lord has shown me and led me to do over these last 7 months but here is my best attempt... take a look at these lovely people :)
We are REVOLUTIONISTS for LOVE. We are able to LOVE because CHRIST first LOVED US. (1 John 4:9)
We will be serving in a small town in northwest Haiti together for 10 days :) Playing soccer, making bracelets, painting fingernails, dancing, holding babies... you name and I'm sure we will be doing it! All with one goal in mind... to show the love of Christ in a very concrete way.
Our prayer is that adults and children alike whether they be in the hospital, around Passe Catabois, or anyone else we may come in contact that they will see Jesus in us. That love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control will abound and that these beautiful people will catch a glimpse of the love that Christ has so richly bestowed upon us. That they will see the plan that God has for their lives and that they can find freedom from this world and its circumstances. Whether in wealth or in poverty, a slave or a freeman, happy or sad, experiecing gain or loss, satisfied or hungry, healthy or sick.... God is good and He is Lord. SO MUCH FREEDOM is found whenever we begin to live our lives with this as our lifesong.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love. It is not how much you do but how much love you put into doing it." Mother Teresa
Lord Jesus, we ask that YOU would go before us as we travel to Haiti. Prepare the hearts of the people we will spend time with and prepare our hearts as well. May we be ready to pour out our everything, but may we be ready to receive as well. I pray that Haiti will be different from us having been there and that we will be different from having been to Haiti... it's all for Your glory.
to YOU be the glory, forever and ever. AMEN.